FRU Blog

Optimization Articles

Reactive Much?

Reactive Much?

If you’ve ever looked at your smartphone for the weather… then you’ve been forward-thinking with Risk.

Language Lessons

Language Lessons

A while back, on LinkedIn, a banking peer posed an interesting thought: Is the ‘reputation’ of an organization, …

Delivering Strategic Visibility.
We get you out of react-mode and back to your strategic role by delivering forward-looking financial and risk management solutions to help you realize your growth objectives with greater visibility, efficiency and resilience.

Strategic Delivery. Strategic Results.
We retain strategic relationships with regulators, technology providers and trade groups and have excellent client relationships and references.
With high-performing consultant specialists positioned in the largest markets around the US, Our Digital Enterprise allows for the kind of native delivery that ensures a high-touch collaboration effort.
Aaron Taylor, CPA, CFA
[email protected]
405-880-0255 Bus
John Drew
[email protected]
713-515-1285 Bus
Chris Henkel
[email protected]
972-822-1475 Bus